Our Impact

Scale of Impact

£50 million

Money Stolen by Catfishing in the UK


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People Helped




We measure our success in actual lives changed. These stories are a testament to the difference that communities can make when we come together to create lasting change.

Featured Story


Annie lost her life savings from being catfished.

Not only was she convinced that the man she met online was a successful businessman, she was conned into letting him enter her home, where he took over her house and changed the locks.

Annie's story is rather extreme, but required police involvement to prevent further harassment and harm.

This particular catfisher  used the following techniques:
  • Charm and flattery
  • Mining for information
  • Pretending to be the same as Annie - Mirroring
  • Sense of urgency of needing a place to stay
In reality he was a professional conman, on bail for other fraud charges with a history of criminal activities and recently out of prison.

Featured Story


Michael became aware he was being catfished after some time when he wanted to end the relationship and she started using standard love-bombing templates.

Whilst Michael had lost money on fake situations and urgencies, his catfisher was extremely vindictive and when she couldn't get more money, she contacted friends and family to exert pressure. 

Featured Story


Carole thought that she was talking to a man who was the same age as her and had the same leisure interests.

The relationship was intense and he asked her to keep 'secret information' about him from friends and family.  He sent her fake photo's and made up information about who he was.  He convinced her over several months that he was in love with her.  

As she disclosed private information and shared her secrets, he eventually used this to attempt blackmail.  
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